On Thursday, September 5, Blackstone Park was honored to be chosen as the setting for Senator Jack Reed’s announcement of this year’s RI SNEP (Southeastern New England Program) awards for new EPA funding for clean water and coastal ecosystem projects. In addition to Senator Reed, speakers supporting this valuable program included Congressman Gabe Amo, Mayor Brett Smiley (the event’s host), Councilwoman Helen Anthony, and EPA and state officials.
The BPC, as part of a coalition with Seekonk River Alliance and Groundwork RI, was chosen for one of the “SWIG” awards to improve stormwater management. Together with essential input from the Providence Departments of Parks, Public Works, and Planning, the coalition will complete planning and begin implementation of the Gateway Project on Blackstone Boulevard.
After the speaking program in Blackstone Field on a perfect sunny day, members of the BPC team took about 25 visitors on a tour of York Pond and the ravine, showcasing some of the park’s best wildlife habitat along with its worst stormwater challenges.