Plant Life in the Conservation District
Trees that predominate are oaks, American beech, and black birch, with a few maples and birch. Beneath the trees are many native blueberry bushes, clethra (summer sweet), and mountain laurel.
Wild Flowers and Plants
Throughout the woods are thinly scattered wild flowers. These include the pink lady’s slipper, May apple, False Solomon’s seal, and Canada mayflower.
Plants found along edges of the woods, particularly near the river, are wood aster, bayberry, sassafras, rosa rugosa, sweet fern, and sumac.
Plants found on the banks of York Pond at the end of Irving Avenue are elderberry, Joe Pye weed, goldenrod, bur cucumber, white snakeroot, evening primrose, milkweed, and touch-me-not (jewelweed). curly dock, blue vervain, polygonum persicaria (lady’s thumb—pink thumblike flowers), and false nettle, chicory along the rail north of the entrance to York Pond meadow, and blue flowering pickerel weed in the pond.
List of Plants by Rick Enser (2001)
* indicates non-native to the U.S.A.
Woodlands: Uplands and Woods Edges
| Pondshores
Non-native plants found in Blackstone ParkThese have a tendency to be invasive.