We are happy to announce that we have a few dates and times nailed down for park-keeping. We are trying a few different times of day in the hope that everyone finds a time that works for them. As always, you are welcome for all or part of the 90 minutes.
May 6 (Thursday) 12:30 – 2:00. York Pond Meadow. We will remove invasive plants – garlic mustard and mugwort. This is relatively light intensity work since the soil is soft right now. Please rsvp and bring your own gloves, and tools if you have them: digging tool (weeder, trowel).
May 15 (Saturday). 10:30- 12:00. North Section trails. We will stake logs in the woods above Gulf Road, and remove invasive plants (knotweed and garlic mustard).
June 2 (Wednesday) 5:00 – 6:30.South Section invasive plant removal. Meet on Paterson near Rhode Island Avenue, next to the playground. We will clear dead wood and remove invasive plants including Norway maples, white mulberry, garlic mustard, and bittersweet. Bring your own gloves and water, and tools if you have them: pruners, loppers, digging tool (weeder, trowel, small shovel).
If you plan to attend, please register to comply with contact tracing requirements, and bring your own water and a mask.
Hope to see you soon!