On Saturday the 14th, a large Save the Bay boat pulled up to the Narraganset Boat Club dock and passengers began boarding. The boat pulled away and began its trip north on the Seekonk, all the way to the Tidewater Landing site in Pawtucket. Three quarters of an hour later, the boat returned to the dock and the next batch of Seekonk sightseers boarded. Finally, another three quarters of an hour later, the last trip left the dock.
On all three trips, people saw eagles. Most dramatically, a Bald Eagle chased a gull over the boat when it was docked after the first trip. The gull escaped, but the memories will remain for anyone who saw its close encounter with death.
The trips were guided by Greg Gerritt, a noted environmentalist and videographer. Greg pointed out both natural and man-made features along the way and did a good job of communicating how beautiful and unique the Seekonk basin is, especially for a body of water located in an urban area.
Blackstone Parks Conservancy hopes to do the trips again next fall, so keep your eyes on our website!