July 13 Park-Keeping Rescheduled for Noon

Today’s park-keeping is shifted a bit later: 12:00 – 1:30.  The original time will just be too rainy.  

On the bright side, temperatures will still be pretty comfortable at noon today (in the 70’s), and the recent rain will make it easier to remove knotweed.

Sorry for the schedule change, and I hope that some of you are still able to join us on Gulf Road between noon and 1:30!

Today we are meeting at the North end of Gulf Rd, to remove knotweed from this shady spot.  Tools: small shovels, loppers, hand pruners.

This month’s last Park-Keeping is scheduled for Wednesday 7/24 4:30 – 6:00.  Center section, RiverView Trail near Parkside and East Orchard Avenue.  Remove bittersweet and other invasive plants.  Tools: loppers, hand pruners, small shovels or other weeding tools.

Easy ways to join: