Half Empty or Half Full?

Mary comes to the park sometimes with her mother and baby brother. Remembers coming once for a picnic when she was small and a seagull flew off with her sandwich and she had to share her mother’s.

Chloe Americorps teacher talking today about soil and geology, packs a lot into a little over an hour. Small turnout because of the cold—six—winter’s hard says April. Starting in the meadow on River Road, then up to a bare hillock on top, then farther along the trail toward York Pond—leaf litter—then down to Y Pond.

Kid (who?) takes notes for the group. With every lesson, Chloe says, “write it down.” Lessons slipped in about comparing data, about how much math is used in the course of a lesson.

Two kids hoping to go to the new Green School in (Greenwich) – heavy emphasis on science.

Kids relaxed and focused – April says this is a terrific group.

1. Perc. test – timed

2. “Ribbon” test – clay – kneading; medium amount “mit explain why the water’s taking so long to perc. New word: “impermeable”, points out that grass slows down absorption

3. — – color – chart 

4. 5-layered canister (no-d) called a “soil sister” with progressively fine screens– everybody gets to shake, boogying is encouraged and a couple of kids get into it. Then examine layers one by one – fairly large lumps on top – what does that look like: golf ball, deer poop; next, rabbit pellets; third and last

Replace the soil, pat down.

5. More conversation about why it is the way it is – wet. So weather needs to be considered.

Up top – another girl gets to use the …. – “I hit a rock! Maybe it’s gold!”Much more permeable. Cannister again – what do you observe? Write it down.

Same drill – replace soil, write down.

Slate and geol. Hammer of solid piece of iron.

Third spot – leaf litter – much more topsoil (remember it’s decayed matter), cf the spot before. This time the — pulls up top soil and part of the second layer, which is sandy. Debate about color – butterscotch or caramel

Fencing –teacher asks, Mary who’s just learned that PD and BPC built to protect soil raises her hand.

an opp. To talk about nutrients, roots, and erosion. Egrets below over the river.

Ruts, topsoil below


Jane Peterson

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