Bird Nests… How do they do it, July 19 at 10

We invite you to attend the nest building workshop event “Bird Nests… How do they do it?” 

This workshop is part of a series of free events offered by the Blackstone Parks Conservancy with support from the Partnership for Providence Parks and Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership.

The program will focus on birds of prey (e.g., bald eagle and osprey) and be led by Laurita Moscatelli, a New Dawn Educator at the Mercy Ecology Center in Cumberland, RI. Mercy Ecology is a new ministry, sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy, created to work toward the sustainability of all life. For more information, please visit

Join us on Saturday July 19 at 10:00 a.m. -noon in the Blackstone Field, across from the Narragansett Boat Club (2 River Road, Providence, RI 02906; GPS: 41°49’58.8″N 71°22’40.9″W).

All ages are welcome!

Rain date is Sunday July 20, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.-noon


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