Our lineup started in June with the Classical High School Jazz and Rock Band preluded by musician Peter Vilbig.
The concerts were well attended with many first-time spectators who soon became “regulars”. It was wonderful to see a mix of individuals, friends, and families enjoying the concerts, some bringing picnic baskets and blankets to relax and enjoy the performance.

Officer Mike Martinous from the Providence Police Department is to be thanked for his excellent traffic control at each concert, shutting down a portion of the southbound boulevard allowing dancing in the street, but more importantly, providing safe access to the concerts.
We could depend on the presence of New England Lemonade to keep the crowd hydrated on the humid summer nights.
A few concert goers proudly displayed their BPC tee shirts and continued their generous support with donations and purchases at the Conservancy merchandise table present at the concerts.
Thanks to our patrons for the financial support, allowing the concerts to take place.
We look forward to another successful concert series next summer.